Contact Information:
Xylotex, Inc.
2696 Lavery Court #13
Newbury Park, CA 91320
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Please use appropriate Subject in e-mail to help differentiate from SPAM. Please DO NOT REMOVE previous e-mail extension when multiple e-mails back and forth occur. These allow me to grasp the current issue being discussed.
No attachements will be opened unless specifically mentioned in the e-mail text.
Once shipped, USA orders can take up to 3 days with USPS Priority Mail.
International orders may take up to 21 days in shipping
Order Confirmation Information |
Holiday Listing |
You should USPS shipping confirmation via Paypal within 2 business days of order submission. Holidays, as well as Saturday and Sunday are not considered business days. Orders placed after 12:00PM Califoria Time are considered to be submitted the following business day. In general, orders will ship within 1-2 days of submission. |
Xylotex currently does not ship to Member states of the EU. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom |